Jacob Lieberman is an internationally recognised specialist for the physical and mental treatment of hyperfunctional voice disorders. As an osteopath and psychotherapist he has developed the Lieberman protocol for the laryngeal examination as well as the manual therapy for the solution of muscle tension and the mobilisation of the laryngeal joints. He is an associate at the Lewisham University Hospital, London, and the Deutsche Stimmklinik in Hamburg.
He is the main author and co-author of publications on questions of body posture and speech disorders, as well as the mechanical malfunctions of the larynx. He has contributed to standard voice-to-speech: "The Voice Clinic Handbook" (Harris et al., 1998, Whurr Publishers, London), "Diagnosis and Treatment of Voice Disorders" (Sataloff).
His research activity is devoted to the effects of laryngeal manipulations on vocalisation.
He teaches ENT doctors and speech therapists and voice therapists in the United Kingdom and internationally in the use of handles for the examination and therapy of the laryngeal musculature.
Jacob Lieberman has also taught voice therapists from Europe, Canada and the USA in laryngeal examination and treatment. He has developed his own course material and has been teaching undergraduate students at UCL (University College London) as well as postgraduate courses for students at Michlalat Hadassah in Jerusalem and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
See the video below for an example of Jacob's manual therapy work.